These pages are under construction, but eventually will be populated to contain the above items. In the meantime, enjoy some ASCII text art:

#   ______    ______    _____    ______      ______    __  __
#  /\  ___\  /\  __ \  /\  __-. /\  ___\    /\  == \  /\ \_\ \
#  \ \ \____ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \\ \  __\    \ \  __<  \ \____ \
#   \ \_____\ \ \_____\ \ \____- \ \_____\   \ \_____\ \/\_____\
#    \/_____/  \/_____/  \/____/  \/_____/    \/_____/  \/_____/
#             ______    ______    _____    __    ______    
#            /\  ___\  /\  __ \  /\  __-. /\ \  /\  ___\   
#            \ \___  \ \ \  __ \ \ \ \/\ \\ \ \ \ \  __\   
#             \/\_____\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \____- \ \_\ \ \_____\ 
#              \/_____/  \/_/\/_/  \/____/  \/_/  \/_____/ 

print("Hello World!")  # my main language is Python (3, of course)

At present you can find information about my current & past software work on my user pages on other sites, notably GitHub & PyPI, both of which are linked from the homepage (see the row of icons towards the top).